Sorry Kristine.

We are retired and i cannot afford another bill. BUT I thought you might be interested in this old Time article on the Know Nothing Knights. !

I was at a rosary meet beck in the nineties and spoke about the Freemasons Both my m-i-l and f-i-l were big deals in the Freemasons. They HATED me. A woman asked me if I would speak yo the KoC about Freemasonry since her husband in the KoC told her they ( the Merchantville St Peters's RC Church KoC ) were invited to merge. I did not because i knew better, but years later I was told by the St Peter's DRE who worked under pastor Fr Manupella there, that the KoC covered the gymnasium windows with black clothe and accepted a Genesee truck delivery during every meeting. She said they drove dangerously drunk n the parking lot afterwards while CCD children waited there for their parents to pick them up............

READ this because as I knew this goes back to right after Vat2.


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Well said Kristine-Stick to your principles!

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