Kristine--I am sure you have noticed how CM has removed all past comments and the current ability to post comments on their site. Wonder if they know how quickly they will collapse because of their decision to cancel all comments. Thanks for all your hard work!

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Oh! No! I didn't know that. I did notice recently the comments under Headlines were getting, shall we say, pointed. Thank you for the atta girl.

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Seems that starting today only PREMIUM MEMBERS can comment and see comments! They are getting really desparate. I wrote to Sherry about my thoughts and he couldn`t even bother to reply.Now am I gonna give anymore money to CM-NO

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Very bad sign when comments are restricted. I don't see how they can dig themselves out of this hole.

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The fact that they haven`t been totally upfront about everything which has been happening and are still asking for money is not good! People have had to do their own research to find out what is happening. I think they are really afraid that people will post the truth in the comments and then its the end for them! I always wandered what happened to everyone who I enjoyed watching, thank you for informing us.

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Thanks so much for the atta girl.

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Jan 13, 2024
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You must stop ... I'll be forced to ban you. The comments section of my Substack site is not the place to publish your political commentary. I welcome your comments about my article, but these political harrangues are not welcome.

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Good piece.

However in the not so distance future , these non profits will all crumble .

No one seems to realize that a HUGE part of the global communist plan for a New World Order is to drain the US economy.

Obama ( whose communist training included Alinsky , paid for by Cdl Bernardine , according to check copies in Phyllis Schlafly's book ) and the testimony of Tom Fife who heard it directly from a female KGB member at a dinner in Russia ( BTW the veracity of Fife's statements was checked by Constance Combey of Radio free Liberty) https://cumbey.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-information-on-barack-obama.html

We are witnessing our own economic collapse now.

Contributions are , Open Border policies , which benefit Faith Based Organizations mainly Catholic, like immigration resettlement and clinics . International climate change bills and treaties which have the US on the bottom of the list and paying the bulk of energy fines to nations like Communist China . We are financing wars, as in the Ukraine where the ignorant do not realize Zelensky is jailing good Orthodox priests and replacing them with political priests of his own favor...........Just as was done by the communist KGB in the Soviet Union. ( note I do NOT preface "soviet"with the word "former"). 9/11 which brought us into a war with Iraq based on the lie that they had WMDs.

Even the fake pandemic was designed not only to depopulate , but to drain our economy!


There are and have been those that recognize the plan but no one seems to be listening or have any idea how to wake up the masses even those who experienced communism are not being listened to.

Fool us once shame on me ,fool us multiple times and shame on our entire nation.


Donations will dry up for all these organizations Kristine.

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There may be some information in this video that may be of interest to you.


Only part of that video that seemed to contradict some info I got from Christine Harrington's show is that I understood that a 501c3, and I guess also a 501c4 are both non-profits and cannot technically be "sold". Only the assets can be transferred in some legally specified way. Yet video moderator, Anthony Stine, said Joe Gallagher had an offer "on the table" for buying CM and he had substantial financial backing.

Still do not understand controversy and lawsuit going on in New Hampshire but Mr. Stine said there is good chance CM will lose that defamation case and if they do, no sale could take place while that is a pending matter. And if CM loses, there will be no sale or transfer of CM assets of any kind because CM will be totally financially "broke" after losing that suit.

Not sure about any of this but there was quite a bit said that related the issues that are your area of expertise.

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I just posted, or thought I tried to post, a comment but I am not sure which Substack article of Trust but Verify substack it may have posted to. I accidently closed out the page I was posting my comment on before I was finished with my post. Oh well.

The show last night on


did tell me that "Church Militant", whatever that is, is looking more corrupt with each moment of this exposure.

Big money was involved and when that happens, corruption often takes over, corruption of the legal secular law kind, and moral law of the eternal soul kind.

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. " Lord Acton

It is good that the Christines are triangulating because I think this YouTube channel may get taken down because I think this "Church Militant" scandal could get very big in the legal secular realm. Save everything offline.

IRS https://www.irs.gov/about-irs/irs-priorities-detecting-fraud-protecting-taxpayers

IRS -Office of Fraud Enforcement was set up in 2020, and that is when big changes in 501c3 / 501c4 thing happened at Church Militant, and that is no coincidence.

They money for the Father Delaire settlement has not been paid yet and some entity still has that money in its possession and that money is being coveted and is just as valued, if not more valued, as the donor data.

Attorneys have been hanging around "Church Militant" and Michael Voris for a long time.

Pray for every person to come clean and do the right thing.

Here is the latest speech from Archbishop Vigano. It is very uplifting for Catholics who are clinging to Jesus Christ, the one who is Truth.

video and full transcript and Dachsie's excerpt from full transcript.


Dachsie’s Substack

just now

Video and full transcript:


Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò

Pax Christi in regno Christi

Speech at the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement and the Multipolarity Forum

Moscow, February 26, 2024

Excerpt: Closing remarks and blessing.

"...What is the one thing that the globalist chimera cannot offer us, for which it has no substitute to offer? The heroism of an ideal, the nobility of a goal worth fighting for and even dying for. And this ideal can only consist in Faith in Christ the Lord, in love for Him and for one’s neighbor, in the desire to give our homeland and our children a future in which the horrors of globalism are a bad memory. The criminal subversives of Davos have no ideals to offer, because they base their success on fear, and because they gain obedience from their servants through bribery and blackmail. We must oppose the ideology of death of the New World Order with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the One who called himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

If we face the common enemy on the field where he is strongest, we are doomed to succumb. If we move the battle to where he is weak, we can win it, with God’s help. We too often forget that God is truly omnipotent, and that His enemies and ours can do nothing against Him. He waits for humanity to return to Him and to allow itself to be saved when all seems lost.

This is the only possible way out of the present dystopia, because whatever happens – whether the perpetrators of the coup are defeated or forcibly maintain their tyrannical power – the awareness of the ongoing spiritual battle will orient and give a supernatural impetus to our opposition, will make it meritorious, and cannot fail to come before the divine Majesty. Domine salva nos, perimus! Κύριε, σῶσον, ἀπολλύμεθα. Господи! спаси нас, погибаем (Mt 8:25). In the raging storm, the Lord seems to be asleep, waiting for us to call on Him and to recognize Him as capable of calming the waves and calming the winds.

Let us rebuild States on the rock, on the cornerstone which is Christ the Lord. Let us give back to Jesus Christ the crown that the Revolution has snatched from Him. Let us shake off the infernal yoke of globalism, the adhesion to supranational bodies designed to erase our Faith, our identity, our civilization. Let us hold the criminal subversives accountable, starting with provoking a bloody conflict that exterminated an entire generation in Ukraine, using it to attack Russia, to sell it out to multinationals, and to bring down Europe economically.

We confront the elite not so much by challenging the lies of crises and emergencies, but rather by opposing their vision of death with hope – hope that is based on Christ and doing His will. Let us do God’s will, the only possible response of the creature to the Creator, and the only premise for winning this epochal clash with Him. Tucker Carlson also reminded us of this, in a recent interview in Dubai, when he pointed out the two opposing camps, made up of those who recognize and serve God and those who want to make themselves god instead of God and against Him, those who serve life and those who promote death, those who follow the Truth and those who are servants of lies and fraud.

Peoples thirst for Goodness, they are fed up with falsehoods and deceptions, perversions and violence. Let us overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, pride with humility, corruption with honesty, selfishness with generous charity. Let us bring the Light into the darkness, the true light that enlightens every man (Jn 1:9), so that the darkness in which these subversive criminals hide may be torn asunder, and the horror of their heinous crimes may appear, and with them their condemnation. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, I give it to you (Jn 14:27).

At the conclusion of this reflection, I would like to launch an appeal to all people of good will, so that nations may be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God, as a premise for imploring from Heaven that peace which only our King and Lord can give, and which never so much as in this moment has been invoked by the human race on this world held hostage by infernal forces. I make this appeal to the Patriarch of Moscow, to the Prelates of the Orthodox Church, to the Catholic Cardinals and Bishops who have not yielded to compromise, and to all those who recognize themselves in the universal and sacred principles of the natural Law.

Upon all of you, and upon all who share in our spiritual battle, I implore abundant heavenly blessings through the intercession of the glorious Theotokos, the Virgin Mother of God.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,

former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

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Whoa, what an eye opener; had no clue. Thank goodness for the clear explanation. Such intended duplicity and disregard for oversight reminds me of a carnival huckster’s shell game. If Voris is counting his chickens before they hatch, he just may be in for a big surprise, especially with the pending NH issue. Jail time is a possibility should things go south for him. Wonder what non extradition countries besides Viet Nam there are currently….

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Yes, over the next few months, the amount and direction of the lawsuit dollars will be known. I don't see how Church Militant can plan much of anything for the next 90 days, unless someone with big dollars rides into town and saves them. Not likely. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Yes, I briefed Christine Harrington on my thoughts about the so-called sale of CM to a group of ... what would you call them ... investors? And, as I told Christine Harrington, everyone is underestimating the financial and legal complexities of the kind of transaction Gallagher is proposes, especially given the pending defamation trial.

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